5 Principles For Engaging Asian American Customers

Keep up!

Asian Americans are early adopters of technology. To grasp their consumption behaviors, brands need to keep their fingers on the pulse of the economic, societal and demographic changes that shape Asian Americans’ profiles and the way they spend.

Don’t stereotype

For brands to truly resonate with Asian Americans without falling back on stereotypes, it is critical to take a deep dive into their nuanced identities and behavioral drivers to create authentic stories

Continuous engagement

Greetings on Lunar New Year or Diwali are not enough. Brands need to develop continuous engagement that delivers value throughout the year.

Think social

Besides the mainstream social platforms, targeting bicultural Asian Americans requires brands to dig deep in the Asian social and digital platforms like WeChat to unlock unique and highly targeted engagement opportunities.

Think mainstream

Especially for today’s Total Market approach, it is critical to integrate Asian American segment considerations throughout the strategic process, instead of a rigid adaptation of general market materials.

Written by Selina Guo

Planning Director, Admerasia

Read the entire report on the 8 industries disrupted by Asian Innovation Download the link at https://www.admerasia.com to read the entire report.